【TOPICS】Press release: WORLD MODE HOLDINGS has signed “United Nations Global Compact”

【Press release/ January 30, 2025】

“United Nations Global Compact”


WORLD MODE HOLGINGS Co., Ltd. (Head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Shinsuke Kafuku) is pleased to announce that it has signed the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest sustainability initiative advocated by the United Nations, and has registered as a participating company. By promoting the 10 principles set out in the Compact, we will continue to strive to contribute to the realization of a sustainable world and fashion and beauty industry.

【About UN Global Compact】

The United Nations Global Compact (hereinafter referred to as UN Global Compact) is the world’s largest sustainability initiative, bringing together the United Nations and the private sector (companies and organizations) to build a better world. Signatory companies and organizations are expected to make continuous efforts to realize the 10 principles in the four areas of “Human Rights,” “Labor,” “Environment,” and “Anti-corruption” under the personal commitment of their company leaders.

10 principles in the 4 areas of UN Global Compact

Human Rights
Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
Principle 2: Make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4: The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
Principle 5: The effective abolition of child labour; and
Principle 6: The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
Principle 8: Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
Principle 9: Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

Principle 10 : Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.


【Signing the UN Global Compact】

WORLD MODE HOLDINGS operates a diversified, global business specializing in the fashion and beauty industry, and is engaged in activities to support the revitalization and development of the industry.
We have signed the UN Global Compact to express our support for the 10 principles in four areas and has been registered as a participating company. We have also joined the Global Compact Network Japan, the country network in Japan.
Many people are engaged in the fashion and beauty industry, and improving their working environment and working style, as well as raising awareness of respect for Human Rights, are recognized as important issues. At the same time, the industry faces many environmental issues. As a company that is widely involved in the entire industry, we will continue to work hard to contribute to the realization of a sustainable industry and a sustainable world through the promotion of the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact.
※About Global Compact Network Japan


【Sustainability Initiatives of WORLD MODE HOLDINGS】

Sustainability activities promotion system

In 2020, WORLD MODE HOLDINGS established the Sustainability Committee, chaired by CEO, Shinsuke Kafuku, with the aim of realizing a sustainable future society together with all stakeholders. In addition, Kenichiro Horii, who has supported the careers of many people as CEO of iDA Inc. and served as a director and sustainability officer for the group, was appointed vice-chairman.
In this way, we have put in place a system to promote people-oriented sustainability transformation.

  • The Sustainability Committee is taking the lead in promoting activities.

The committee is made up of various employees, including executive officers, from various occupations and backgrounds across companies of the group, departments, locations.
In addition to activities to improve the current external economic situation, the committee promotes activities centered on implementing projects that all employees can participate in, such as Sustainability Week and Human Rights Week, and disseminating information both inside and outside the company. The committee is actively engaged throughout the year in continuously learning about sustainability issues surrounding the industry and business, identifying issues through current situation analysis, and considering improvement measures.

  • Process for implementing measures

The measures decided by the committee are implemented in cooperation with each company of the group and business execution division, and regular reports and recommendations are made to group management. The Executive Committee and the Board of Directors are responsible for managing and supervising the Sustainability Committee, and make decisions based on reports from the committee on the current situation and measures regarding climate-related issues and human rights issues, as well as the results of the implementation of measures. Each company of the group and business execution division act on each measure together the committee members as the execution function within its own division.

  • Participation of Experts

We are improving the quality of discussions by inviting experts with extensive knowledge of sustainability in the fashion industry to participate. In addition to Yamauchi Hideki, an adjunct lecturer at Waseda University who is well-versed in sustainability in the industry and has been a central leader in the group’s activities, Chizuru Muko, WWDJAPAN Sustainability Director also shares our group’s vision and has been involved. We will be promoting cross-industry initiatives more strongly.


Four material issues that WORLD MODE HOLDINGS is addressing.


The world is facing many social issues and a rapidly changing external environment. In such an environment, we believe that in order to develop sustainably together with people and companies, it is essential to have a broad, mid- to long-term perspective, place sustainability at the core of our group management, and incorporate it into our activities. Therefore, this year, we have identified four material issues for our company’s management. We will define the “value we provide to society” in each material domain and actively work to create a sustainable and better society through our business activities.
WORLD MODE HOLDINGS will continue to strive to contribute to the transformation of the fashion and beauty industry into a more sustainable environment and to its sustainable development.

※Sustainability activities of WORLD MODE HOLDINGS:


A group that provides various solutions such as human resources, digital marketing, and store operation specializing in the fashion and beauty industry. With seven domestic business companies (iDA, BRUSH, AIAD, AIAD LAB, Four Ambition, VISUAL MERCHANDISING STUDIO, and FUTABA TSUSHINSHA) and overseas bases in Singapore, Australia, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Malaysia, we provide highly effective solutions that meet the issues of customers through the synergy of each highly specialized company.


PR: Masako Ishizuka / Yuko Aizu   
E-mail: TEL: 03-3374-8107